What is Coinbase exchange? Instructions for trading on Coinbase

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Sàn Coinbase là gì?

What is Coinbase?

What is Coinbase exchange? Coinbase is a highly reputable cryptocurrency exchange and is supported by countless users worldwide. Blockchain and Coinbase are also considered the best electronic services in the world. Coinbase has functions to help cryptocurrency investors create storage wallets, buy and sell transactions, deposit and withdraw tokens.

However, in terms of cons, successful transaction confirmation time at Coinbase exchange is longer than Blockchain's. But that minor defect has been outweighed by many outstanding advantages that make users willing to put their trust in Coinbase.

The website address of Coinbase exchange is: https://www.coinbase.com

sàn Coinbase

Instructions for trading on Coinbase

How to create a wallet on the exchange What is Coinbase?

Step 1.

– Access the Coinbase exchange website address, scroll down to the bottom of the page to change the language France -> English

– Click “Sign Up” on the menu bar at the top of the page, then enter the following information:

  • First name & Last name: Full name
  • Email: Email address
  • Password: Enter password
  • verification box reCaptcha “I'm not a robot” or “I'm not a robot.”
  • Check the terms box of the page
  • Select Create account to create a new account.

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Step 2. To confirm your account, the system will send an email asking you to confirm. When you receive the email, click “Verify Email Address” to complete the account verification.

How to Use a Wallet on Coinbase

What are the Most Important Features of a Coinbase Wallet?

– Dashboard: Your coinbase wallet dashboard.

– Buy/Sell: function only supports users in the US or Europe, Vietnam is not currently supported.

– Send/Request: This function is used to send BTC or ETH to another place.

– Account: The place where BTC, ETH, and BTC accounts are kept in cold storage.

– Setting: Function to help you change personal information, avatar, turn on 2-layer security 2FA, …

– Tool: Where to create BTC or ETH address, address to receive money. You can create multiple addresses in the same account for easy management. Coinbase allows about 200 different addresses from one account.

Set Up Wallet Security on Coinbase

To maximize your security, you should install 2FA 2-step verification.

Step 1. Go to the address:


Step 2. Click Enable Authenticator, the screen will appear as follows:

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After entering the phone number to verify, the screenQR code will appear on the screen. Please scan and enter the code to activate security.

Sàn Coinbase

 Instructions to create a wallet address on Coinbase

Coinbase, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin e-wallets have two leading wallets and secondary wallets. The main feature of the wallet is that after receiving the transaction money, the wallet will automatically change to a new address, the old address will be included in the old wallet list. Therefore, after receiving money, users should review the unique wallet address to prepare for the following transactions. If the new wallet address is not updated and the old wallet address is still used, the money will still be in your account.

To get wallet address: Click “Account” select “Receive.” Then, select “Show Address” as shown.

Sàn Coinbase

Instructions to create multiple sub-wallet addresses on Coinbase

Do the following operations: Click “Tool,” select “Addresses,” and then click “Create New Address.” You will see the secondary wallet address below, as shown.

Sàn Coinbase

Instructions for transferring money from Coinbase account

Step 1. Click “Send/Request”, left-click on “Send”

Step 2. Enter recipient wallet address in “Recipient” field

Step 3. Select currency and enter number amount of money to transfer

Step 4. Click “Send Funds”

Sàn Coinbase

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What are the frequently asked questions about Coinbase exchange?

How does Coinbase exchange accept payments?

US customers have the right to use various payment methods to buy or send crypto: bank transfer, Debit Card, Bank Wire.

However, as of February 2018, Coinbase no longer supports Pay by credit card again.

Does Coinbase have a transfer limit?

Coinbase implements weekly buy and sell limits on all accounts. The company says it calculates limits based on your account information, including verification and successful purchases made on the account.

If you would like to increase your weekly limit, you may need to verify your account by completing a few steps:

  • Verify your phone number
  • Provide your personal details
  • Provide an ID photo
  • to set up purchase history by buying and selling through

Is Coinbase exchange safe?

Not only is Coinbase widely recognized as one of the largest Bitcoin exchanges in the world, but it is also considered one of the safest. It is backed by trusted traders and uses the latest technology to secure its platform.

Coinbase wallets are considered very secure, but there is a cost attached – the company controls your cryptocurrency. Larger amounts of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash or Litecoin, Ethereum Classic can be stored on Coinbase Vault, which is tightly protected.

Coinbase collects a lot of information about its customers, including ID photos for those looking to increase their weekly limit. Photo ID is also required if you purchase with a credit card.

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